Fantasy as a defence mechanism
Fantasy in the schizoid personality structure
Fantasy to alter mood - self soothing
Fantasy as a source of strokes - positive and negative
Fantasy and life script reinforcement
It would seem that there are others
Fantasy in the narcissistic personality structure
I have mentioned this before that one feature of the DSM-IV criteria of the narcissistic personality is:
“Preoccupation with fantasises of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love.”
Thus it can be stated that fantasy is used by some narcissistic people to maintain that personality structure.
Fantasy as a reflection of current events in a persons life
As with sleep dreams, day dreams can occur as a reaction to events in a person’s life. If one is entering a new relationship they may have fantasies about how it will go or things the two people may do together and so forth. If the person gets a new job they may fantasise various scenarios about what might happen. This also happens in sleep dreams sometimes. When it does this reflects the psychological importance the current event has to the person.
Fantasy as wish fulfilment
This also occurs in sleep dreams. The daydream may be about what the person wishes. A relationship, money, success, sporting ability, their team winning the grand final, finding a lost child, to be the dependent one in a relationship and so forth.
Thus we have some of the ways fantasy can be used by the fantisizer. There may be others that come to light subsequently but at the moment we have this:
Fantasy as a defence mechanism
Fantasy in the schizoid personality structure
Fantasy to alter mood - self soothing
Fantasy as a source of strokes - positive and negative
Fantasy and life script reinforcement
Fantasy in the narcissistic personality structure
Fantasy as a reflection of current events in a persons life
Fantasy as wish fulfilment
There is one other point that must be made. This does not relate to the function of fantasy but how fantasy can be used in therapy. This I mentioned in final fantasy 5. If one maintains that daydreams are expressions of the unconscious or they arise from the unconscious, one can use them therapeutically the same way one would use dream analysis with sleep dreams. It is a way of understanding the unconscious of the individual.
For example Kahless stated:
“I used to day-dream being a secret agent, or a fireman, or Lara Croft”(end quote).
A therapist may ask of her,
What are the qualities of Lara Croft that are important in the fantasy?
What does Lara Croft do in the fantasy?
What is her relationship to others in the fantasy?
Of course the answer to each of these questions if simply a reflection of the psyche of Kahless. As with sleep dream work they each are part of her in some way. The therapist seeks to find out what those are and then finds a way to use them therapeutically. For instance it may become apparent that Kahless is not owning the Lara Croft in her. Some of the qualities she sees in Lara Croft she has in her own personality but is in denial about them at the moment. One could then use two chair to facilitate her accepting that part of her personality. As I also said in final fantasy 5 it is the theme that the therapist is looking for. The character of Lara Croft is not important. It is what that character means to Kahless that is important. The theme of the character and the theme of what the character does.
Of particular note with this is sexual fantasies. Whilst fantasy of heroic deeds or of great wealth can be used to understand the psyche, sexual fantasises have the extra feature of involving very close, intense and intimate relating. They involve at least two people interacting in a very close and intimate way. Fantasy about winning the grand final or being dux of the school does not have the same feature. Thus sexual fantasises assume extra importance in this way.
In using sexual fantasises in this way one firstly takes the sex out of the equation.
Forget about the sex and how are these two people relating?
If they were relating with the same theme in a non sexual way, what would they be doing?
Thus the unconscious wants, fears and needs involving intimate relationships becomes more defined. What the person’s unconscious feels about self and others and their relating becomes clearer.
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