Sunday, May 11, 2014

New blog

I now have a new blog and probably will be doing most of my wrting there

It can be found Here.


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Glorify war

Does ANZAC day glorify war?  Possibly. Here are some images of war. On the left is todays war in the Ukraine. On the right is the type of images you see of ANZAC day in Australia. There is nothing wrong with these ANZAC images, in fact it is good to see them. The problem is the images that you don’t see about war and the ANZAC tradition. Compare the images on the right and the left. The wars the ANZACs have fought in would have many of the same images, of what the bad guys have done to us and what we have done to the bad guys. There is concern if we forget that the images on the left are the “main game” images of war and not the images on the right. I think we have forgotten this at least to some degree.

ANZAC glorify war