Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Workshop. Belgrade, Serbia

Here is another photograph of me running my workshop

Cert 1 workshop2

Do I look like I know what I am doing?



  1. What is that expression? Perception is Reality?

  2. Its a where the F am i expression Linda!

    Not really

    My workshops always have a very clear structure I am probably a bit too meticulous about that but WTF it works for me and i tend to get good feedback

    Hope all is well back in OZ.

    But i do miss my vegetmite


  3. It looks like a moment of silence, reflection, or perhaps prayer.

  4. My honest initial observation....

    classic piccie as per your blog header...

    man sits with legs wide open
    woman sits cross legged...

    [Friday bacardi night hit early as I have had to be tee-total for a number of weeks due to medication!]

  5. I like your comment KYLady, observant and thoughtful. But in a workshop it is rare i get to the prayer stage these days. I have in the past and it is not good.

    A workshop is as much about performance as it is about the information. So you are out there on stage and have to perform, it can get a bit harrowing at times, especially if there is a heckler or two in the audience


  6. Yes Kahless, I thought your friday night tipple was a bit early this week.

    Your observations seem correct as well, but i dont think i am trying to make a statement by sitting as i am


  7. Perhaps you need to renew your prescription and look faward to purchasing a new pair of glasses?

    Perhaps... ~giggles~

    I'm so glad you're having fun.

  8. In the words of wallace and grommit roses,

    I am having a grand time

